Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Growing up...

I know - they grow up. Infants. Babies. Toddlers. Kids. I know this. I expected this. But why am I having such a hard time with the fact that my little munchkin is starting in the big boy room at school tomorrow. He will no longer be in the baby room. No more crib. I'm a bit numb. Dumbfounded even. I just can't believe 17 + months have passed. I mean my little guy still wears footie pajamas. Doesn't that count for something? Doesn't that mean that he's still a baby? Un bebe? sigh. Just having a hard time with this one. Even though I know that come tomorrow he will be having a ball in the big boy room. Playing with all the new toys. Making new friends. I know this. But it's not him - it's me. It's all me. The mama having a hard time letting bits and pieces of the baby...go.

1 comment:

  1. sorry to disappoint you but it does not get easier...Time flies so cheerish every moment that he is a baby....Though he will always be a baby to you ....I still cannot believe you are all grown and adults...I still remember those baby years
