Monday, April 25, 2011

18 Months

To: My Little Cub

Oh, my dear little munchkin, you are growing way too rapidly! You turned 19 months last week! 5 months away from the big t-w-o. It gives me goose bumps just thinking about it.

This was definitely a milestone month. 18 months is an apparent mark in cognitive development and understanding. You really know things and can figure things out so easily. (You can reach the door handles and open doors! Trouble!) You're officially not an infant, but a tot! You look and act like a little boy. I'm sad to say goodbye to the little baby I was introduced to, that shocking, surprising fall day in 2009. But I'm so happy to welcome such a smart, mature, little munchkin into this life of mine. I'm excited for us; for all that's in-store.

This month you started saying more words...up, down, papa (for grandpa), nene (for Nael), car, vroom, bobo, dog...added to your ball, hello, uh oh, oh no, mama, dada. I just love hearing your little squeaky voice. And hearing you call me "mama" when I enter a room. Love, love, love this. 

At our doctor's appointment a few weeks ago you measured 33.5 inches tall and 29.5 pounds. You're in the 95 percentile for height and weight. A big boy. Tall. Solid. You are officially half of my height. A kid. My kid.

We took family portraits this past weekend. You and I. Our little family. I love to repeat that. To call you and I, a family. Because we are one. We don't have to be 3 + to be a family.  The 2 is good enough; is good as is; is a nice, even number. 

We had a sweet, silly weekend, this past one. Running around, laughing. Lots of laughing. We are a silly pair, a silly family.  Your father would be happy to know this...that we remained a silly bunch, despite our heartache. I owe that to you my little cub. You make laughing easy. ;) 

Loving you tremendously,

Mama Bear

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