Thursday, May 5, 2011

That Sunday Kind of Love

Sunday my munchkin and I went to Gymboree. It was a perfect day. The sun was out and shining bright. Sebastian and I were up early and in good spirits. We dressed in our comfy, cas, Sunday wear (Him in windbreaker pants and a Knicks T; Me in black leggings and a long sleeve T.) We had our sneakers on, our bag packed with snacks and a couple of cars and off we went to try a new Gymboree location in Jersey City. 

We found parking around the corner and right in front of a bakery and toy shop. It turned out to be a small class of 3, so Sebastian had the chance to run and explore as much as possible in the playspace. He climbed, he jumped, he rocked, he played basketball and climbed through the tunnels. This of course meant: I climbed, I jumped, I rocked, I played basketball and helped my munchkin climb through tunnels. It was an active morning! And it felt great!

We left the class, hand in hand and walked over to the bakery and toy shop. I couldn't resist. We walked around and I immediately wished I could buy everything in the store. Sebastian must have wished for the same thing because he immediately ran over to a little munchkin size shopping cart and starting putting trucks and cars into the cart! (Do I need to tell you that it wasn't easy getting Sebastian to leave the toy shop?) A couple of cries, a few kicks and we managed to leave the toy shop without having to file bankrupcy. We went into the bakery for some after breakfast snacks and sat outside at one of their cafe tables, sipping a latte (me) and eating yogurt (Seb), while we waved and said hello to a nearby dog. Ahhh. A nice, simple, Sunday afternoon, at an outdoor cafe with my munchkin.

We arrived home just in time for nap time with me feeling proud and accomplished. I was proud of our little duo. We make a good team, my son and I; making me happier than mere words can describe. :)

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