Wednesday, May 18, 2011

19 Months

To: My Little Cub

20 months you turned on Saturday! Oh my, oh my, oh my. You seem to be passing me by! It's nutty how we adults stay the same but you wee ones spurt and learn a tremendous amount in the interim. Your size 18-24 pants are now extremely short on you. Your size 8 sneakers are snug.

This past month you really mastered jumping and climbing. You can walk up and down stairs pretty well now too. You had a couple of bad falls but you were a trooper. You are getting quite used to picking yourself right back up after a boo-boo. A tough little guy you are. Although, you are quite the dare devil too. That of course frightens me so. This past weekend you flipped your little couch upside down and pushed your little rocking bike over the side and proceeded to climb onto the bike to rock uphill!

You now say:  bubbles, titi, bye, go, cheers, up and down and 1 full sentence: I want that! Of course that would be your first sentence. You are a smart, ardent little one. You yell mama with so much fervor in your voice. It makes my heart smile.

This a.m. I heard you get scolded from the down the hall...followed by the sound of pitter patter rushing closer to me and then there you were hugging my legs. I appreciate that you acknowledge me as your protector...because I am; now and forever.

You can now open and close all the doors in the house with ease! Even the front door. This of course makes me extremely nervous.

A yucky thing you did this month: Dip your toothbrush in the toilet and proceed to brush your teeth! Sorry I didn't catch you in time!

Oh my beautiful boy. Mama loves you so...I thought I would miss the little wee baby you once were but I love you too much to miss anything about the past. I'm filled with so much love and pride today that yesterday doesn't matter. You keep me happy and hopeful about our future; about looking forward to your next big step.

Loving you dearly,

Mama Bear

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