Friday, May 6, 2011

When Grandma Comes to Visit

My Grandmother that is. Sebastian's Great Grandmother. She is in town from Puerto Rico and staying with us for a week or so. How special is it that my son gets to meet and hang with his Great Grandparents?! (A great thing about having young parents and young grandparents.)

There are several wonderful things about having Grandma over, let me share a few:

1. We get cafe con leche (me) and avena (Sebastian, the upstairs cousins and I) in the am before leaving the house to school and work! Yummy! Nothing like Grandma's good ol' fashioned oatmeal! There is something to her rendition of regular oatmeal that just never tastes the same made by anyone else. After a few days of this, Sebastian began heading straight to the kitchen upon waking up!

2. Our house feels like a full house...with a full family. I like my quiet time and I love my duo but there is something nice to be said about the feeling of a bustling house. It's warm and cozy in a different way. Neither being the better way - just different, nice.

3. There's another person to kiss goodnight before going to bed.

4. My bed is made when I get home from work. I don't know why it is but I am not a making the bed type of person. I'm just not. I make sure the house is always neat and tidy; but making the bed is never on my list. It's just something that doesn't bother me. But it must bother my grandma because everyday this week I've come home to my bed made up.

5. When my son falls and gets a boo-boo - the old school, Puerto Rican remedies come into play and save the day! Tuesday Sebastian fell pretty hard...tripped and hit the side of his forehead. A pretty bad bang. Red, scraped, bruised, bumpy. I thought for sure he'd wear the proof for a couple of weeks. But Grandma rubbed some butter and salt on the boo-boo and by the following day it was almost gone! Old wives tale maybe, but today, 4 days later, there is no sign of his boo-boo!

You have to love familia!

1 comment:

  1. aww I love this!! and all so true ;-) and too funny Seb running to the kitchen!
