Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Happiest Place on Earth...

Well, that is until your kid has a trantrum. Last Thursday as part of our Christmas with our family in LA, we spent a day at yep, you guessed it - Disneyland! It was a day of fun, family and shall I say it? Chaos. It turned out that everyone else in So Cal, or everyone in the world visiting So Cal, decided they too should be at the Happiest Place on Earth. Needless to say, the park was CROWDED. But we still managed to get on a few rides and Sebastian and his cousins, 2 & 4, were able to enjoy a ride on Peter Pan, Dumbo, The Choo-Choo Train and the Carousel. Of course, that was until the ride ended. At which time (yes, every time) Sebastian had a fit and wanted to stay on the ride. How do you explain to a 15 month old that he has to get back on line in order to ride again? You don't. Thus, the tantrum ensued. Let's just say that after those four rides, I threw in the towel and decided Sebastian would have to watch the rides from afar. There was no way I was going to repeatedly expereince what became the tantrum aftermath of each ride. I kept hearing a phrase my mom often told us when we were kids, repeating itself in my mind, "You kids are never satisfied." And finally at 31, I understood what she meant all those years. Go figure. But all in all, Disneyland was a huge success and Sebastian LOVED the lights, colors and being with family...okay, maybe that last one was what I loved most about the day. :)

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