Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Traveling with a Baby or Toddler

Is traveling with an infant or toddler ever easy? Does anyone have any tips as to how to make it an easier, more enjoyable time for both mama and baby? Here's what I usually do/pack:

1) I still use my Beco carrier and I make sure to have it on when traveling. I stroll Sebastian in his Maclaren (easy to fold stroller) while at the airport but during security and while boarding and taking off I keep him in the carrier.

2) I carry 1 bag - a big diaper bag with everything in it, including my things. Everything else gets checked in.

3) I pack lots of snacks - banana, yogurt, spinach puffs, Sesame Street cookies, squeezable babyfood pouches, tangerine, milk and juice boxes with a sippy straw.

4) I make sure to have many different toys/things to keep him (and I) busy while on the flight. A portable DVD player and the Wiggles and Elmo DVD is a must. But we also carry little cars, rattles, books and of course his lullaby music/book. And a book for mama.

5) Lastly, we'd never go anywhere without his blankie and pacifier!

But of course, with all that, there always seems to be a moment when not the toys or the snacks can keep me him occupied and he suddenly wants to run free and/or gets cranky and suddenly starts whining and kicks the chair of the person in front of us or grabs someone's hair from the row in front of us (yes, that has happened!). I'm left wondering what else I can potentially do/bring to make our next trip (because there has to be a next trip) more pleasant. Open to ideas.

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