Thursday, December 16, 2010

Single Mama and Holiday Parties

With all the holiday parties going on this season, I keep finding myself a tad bit crestfallen. I mean, I LOVE parties, always have. And I especially love holiday parties. But this year, as a single mama I find that attending every party as I once did is pretty much impossible. Attending more than 1-2 this season is pretty much impossible. Here are a few reasons why:

#1 If I'm able to find a sitter in the first place, having them watch my little boy while I run to a party instead of running to the laundromat or to the grocery store; to get our regular, necessary things done; seems rather irresponsible and illogical.
#2 If I do manage to have a sitter set up and have already done all of the necessary errands, there's the fact that this single mama typically shuts down around 9:30 pm - which means by the time I get to the party and have a glass of wine I'm ready to pass out. Forget about socializing and shall I say it? - Doing the April dance. Then eventually I'm stuck having to make the trek back home in a slightly inebriated state. Which never, ever, ever goes well at 7a the following morning when my son rises for his morning bottle.
#3 If I decide to find ways around #1 and #2, there is never anything to wear because sadly the days of shopping carelessly and having tons of party outfits on-hand are over.
#4 In the event that I do find a decent outfit to wear to a party, there's the new, mom-only predicament of discovering sometime later in the evening that oops I've left the house covered in some random baby stain of snot or drool.
#5 Lastly, if I decide to shrug off the fact that I'm slightly dipped in stains of baby "stuff" I find that while attempting to socialize and finally have a few moments to be me, April, the girl who used to love chatting it up with people about everything and anything and simply have a good time, is stuck talking only baby talk. As in - I have nothing else to share or discuss unless it's baby related.

Ouch. No longer are the days where I could carelessly, and without curfew, party hop, drink as much spiked egg nog and mulled wine as my little heart desired, shake what my mama gave me til the wee hours and sleep in the next day until after lunch time. Oh no. Gone are those days. But, in my memory-filled mind, plentiful were those days and today, this year, this season is simply a new kind of party time. One that ends sober, early and without incident. So while I pout my chapped (winter touched) lips, when it's time for this mama to bid farewell at the annual holiday party, I know that soon I'll arrive home: warm, fuzzy and quite honestly, extremely content. What I have waiting for me at home is more than just a cozy bed, it's my heart; and his name is Sebastian.


  1. love this post and so well written/said/felt... and those few parties you do make it to adorned with a new wardrobe borrowed from your son, you look awesome and original, no one else is wearing 15 month old baby wear AND totally pulling it off ;-)

  2. Nicely put April! I love how you described your new life and feelings!
