Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Father Card

Yesterday when I picked up my 1year old from daycare, one of the teachers said [I like saying teacher better than caregiver - makes me feel like he's at a real school. ;) ]"Oh, I meant to tell you." The teacher said. "Sebastian has been running to and talking to all the fathers as they come to pick up their kids. Maybe he's sick of being around women all day." She giggled. "He seems to love being around the fathers." Ouch. A big blow to my heart. I suddenly ached for my son. At one year old, I know he doesn't get the whole father thing just yet, and is probably interested in the "fathers" lately just because they are different. Different than me that is, different than the mamas that he is used to seeing. But it was a little reminder, nonetheless, that soon, as my son grows and learns, he will feel an ache, a pain and a void. As his mother, I felt pained for him. I wish I could guard him and protect him from all the hurt and pain he may one day feel. I realize that it's impossible to keep them (our little ones) from everything. I can't raise him in a bubble (no matter how much I may want to). And sometimes that makes me sad. I realize being a single mama can make you feel like a super mama at times, but I guess you can never really be superwoman herself. So, I just smiled at his teacher (who doesn't know anything about our home life and the fact that it is just Sebastian and I), said "Oh, how funny." And hugged my little boy. He might not have his father here, but he has me: Super Mama at her finest.


  1. This story brought tears to my eyes, because I have experienced the same situation with my almost 2 year old son. My son even went as far as calling someone else's daddy "daddy"! Oh, the pain that made me feel. It is a very lonely place to be in, and like you, I feel that sadness that my son will one day feel. I try to give him the best of myself, because his smile alone brightens my whole day!

  2. @ Viv - random but a kid in Sebastian's daycare called me mama today. Her mama had left a little bit before. It seemed weird but then I said hey, at least someone is calling me mama! Since Sebastian refuses to. LMAO!
